Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chapter 13 Reflection: Issues in Implementing Technology in Schools

This chapter was boring, but had information in it that needed to be discussed maybe just to refresh our memories.  I think copyright, fair use, and privacy is just common sense.
Cyberbullying seems silly, but probably does happen.  But like you said, why don't you just turn off the computer?!  I agree that teachers need to be aware of the issues in technology implementation, legal, social, and ethical issues.
Oh yeah, congratulations to you and your students for the nomination for 2110 Edublog Award Best Class Blog!!!  We heard about it in the e-mail at school today.  Awesome job! The teacher that I am with had to check it out and everyone else in the room! Way to go!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapter 12 Reflection: Distance Education: Using Technology to Redefine the Classroom

 I can see where distance education could be a benefit in some scenarios but not with children.   I think adults would have problems with it too.  Where would the social learning come in and guidance?  I don't think it has a place in public schools.

I enjoyed looking at everyones power points last class time.  So many great ideas and imaginations.  I think they all turned out  wonderful.  I was nervous since I hadn't ever done one before, but not so bad.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chapter 11 Reflection: Audiovisual Technologies

This was a good chapter with lots of information.  Many audiovisual tools to support learning and teaching.  Some ideas I hadn't thought of yet or I have forgotten about using. I think many teachers are afraid to use technology and not realizing that have been using some type of technology all along. Maybe afraid to try something new? Some technology they use may be outdated, but still technology.  And some technology tools are in the closet or have been on the shelf getting dusty, new or old.
I am not sure I have a favorite audiovisual technology, I can see where most if not all are great ways to intrigue learning.  

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chapter 10 Reflection: Using the Web for Teaching and Learning

Chapter 10 has alot of information in it that I think is useful. Some of the listed online sights I will be checking into.  I didn't know that a wiki could be altered. Kids at school use Wikipedia all the time.
E-Pals sounds fun, might be something we try in our room, we could always use extra communication skills in our room. I think the kids would have fun with it, if we can get it okay ed.
The teacher that I'm with set up her own blog after I showed her how to do it! It looks good and she is adding more information everyday, I think the parents will appreciate it too.
I am enjoying this class, just worried about this power point since this will be my first!!!!!   

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chapter 9 Reflection: The Internet and the World Wide Web

This chapter was interesting about the Internet and the web and how it actually works.  It is amazing how it all comes together and works! You can get so many new ideas from browsing the web, different sites and links. Streaming audio and video would be a neat thing to do in the classroom with older kids, than the age we have in our room. Lot of potential in teaching and learning through the Internet, so many tools and services.
The skype chat with Ms. Mimmi was interesting, sounds like a busy lady.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 8 Reflection: Academic Software

This chapter was okay, some do and don'ts I hadn't thought about before. Some programs we hadn't used yet.
I checked out some really cool blogs, anything from music, speech, ESL, special education, to kindergarten.  Mrs. Busha  is my favorite blogger. She teaches kindergarten in White Oak Texas.  The other blogs I checked out  was from her.  She has alot of things going on in her room and many cool ideas, her sight has a ton of stuff on it. Her blog sight definitely catches your eye and then you just keep looking.     
The music teacher videos almost everything I think and puts it on her blog. I am not into music, but neat ideas.
The speech blog was interesting just because we have several kids that have speech problems.
The ESL blog was also neat, many more ideas and other sights to check out.
My last blog was Nina Peery -choose to move- she   deals with ADHD and autism, her blog has tons of stuff on it, so many cool ideas we will probably try in our room. She has stations that she changes every month. She also has tedx talk videos, I enjoyed watching them.  She also sent me to the site "Free Technology for Teachers" check it out, if you haven;t already! Until next time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chapter 7 Reflection: Administrative Software

I thought this chapter was going to be boring at first but some of the software talked about, I was thinking of several uses in our classroom. Word processing in the classroom is used frequently in our building.  Spreadsheets not so often, but using them as a progress sheet in meeting goals from IEP's would be "handy".  Database system for student information is useful too.

I guess I've been evaluating software all the time -in my head-  just not using a software evaluation rubric.  That was new to me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter 6 Reflection: Digital Technologies in the Classroom

I liked the Dave Eggers TEDx talk.  I thought it was good after he got past the "and uhs.  826 Valencia tutoring center is a great idea.  I think the idea of a volunteer - driven tutoring center would be hard to kick off in this area.  Maybe a different kinda  setting might work, but would be cool.
Chapter 6 was interesting, so many digital technologies.  There could be so many different ways to use them in a classroom.  Using a digital camera is pretty popular with our kids, I am going to try your idea of putting their picture on the smart board so they can decorate themselves. Tablet PCs sounds like fun. The older elementary math students would love it and teachers could help them sooner if they need it.  Touch screens would be beneficial in our classroom.  I like the smart boards, they are difficult to use but once you get use to using them they're not hard.  My daughters class uses laptops and clickers in their classroom she loves it.

Digital technology is great and I enjoy using different tools in our classroom and I see where they can be beneficial to our kids, but some tools get outdated so fast, some kids do not have the opportunity to get new technologies or even update the ones they have, they may be lucky to have what they have.  Not every kid and parents have the money to keep up, so I hope teachers who are technology users keep this in mind. There are many kids that do not a have computer at home. They have other things to spend their money on just to survive. I guess in a way this can help them to set their goals higher.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Chapter 5 Reflection: Computers in the Learning Environment

It was interesting to look inside a computer. I have taken old ones apart before, but didn't really know what I was looking at.  Kinda boring chapter.
Sugata Mitra: The Child-driven education, he has many neat ideas. Letting children use their own creativity to figure situations out  without teacher instructions is a good technique.  This way of teaching could be used in every grade level, I think, but not the only type of learning. He was fun to listens to!

Cooltoolsforschool has many ideas for just about any kind of curriculm.  I don't know that I have a favorite one, to many to look at.  I know alot of teachers that use this website.   I do like the creativity tools.  There are so many, could use at home or at school. Many different grade levels too!       

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chapter 4 Reflection: Technology for Diverse Learners

I really enjoyed the skype chat with Ira Socol. It was interesting to hear some of his background and theories about learning. I "googled" him and read much more about him.  I would like to read his book, The Drool Room .  The most frustrating thing with kids and their specials needs is all the criteria teachers have to follow and not enough time to get it all done.  This is an ongoing battle. It's great when the regular classroom teacher tries different techniques for learning with special needs kids, sadly to say that doesn't happen often.  But once again they already have a ton off things to accomplish in a day with their regular classroom, that's where I come in!!! The teacher that I am with had many questions about the skype chat and Ira, so she has been reading about him too! Our classroom will only get better for the students and us adults. I wish we had some assistive technologies in our district.
In chapter 4, some of the technology talked about we use in our classroom, like recorded books, augmentative devices,and computer use. I didn't know about screen magnification or  screen readers. We enlarge worksheets or text on the printer for a few students.  Until next time.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chapter 3 Reflection: Designing and Planning Technology Enhanced Instruction

First of all, I enjoyed the video of Adora Svitak.  She is an amazing young lady.  The next day after class, I showed this video to my family, which all had different opinions of her. My husband thought she had  much  to say and was impressed but wondered how many other young people have the same intellect but never had the opportunity to show it. (Because of lack money or lack parents pushing or the lack of opportunity).  That part is sad.  My fourteen year old daughter, thought she was very smart and liked what she had said and wondered the same things as her father, but also said she was an extremely spoiled brat----go figure!? My youngest, who is 11 said, she was brave to talk in front of so many people but also spoiled. She wonders what she does for fun. I would like to know more about her background.
In chapter 3, the DID Model, seems to be very complete design for each step of the process.  I think this model is a "common sense way of teaching" it just has a name put to it. It seems like its hard but if I think about the steps in this model, we do them everyday  in the classroom. The classroom that I am in, we have k thru 3rd, so we have several different lesson plans for several different students, eventually they become easy to plan and they most always end up being changed because you never know what will happen next in our room so we improvise!  Until next time!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

adora svitakl

Chapter 2 Reflection: Theoretical Foundations

This is my second attempt to write a reflection (wish me luck)!

I am enjoying this class very much, although I am kinda slow and outdated. Its been too long since I've been in school for myself. There are alot of things that are new to me about technology but I understand that technology changes fast (upgrade) constantly changing.  So, I can see how all types of technology can benefit me as well as the students that I am with. I am hoping I can use them well in the classroom.

In my classroom we have so many different types of learning styles and factors  whether  it be environmental, psychological, or personal filters. I am hoping to get some new and updated ideas.
I think it is important for regular classroom teachers to find out how their students process information so they can help them to learn.
I think the best part in chapter 2 was on page 40. Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technology.  You have need to understand  educational technology to support the teaching/learning process. So, you need to understand teaching  but to understand communication and the participants  learning style.

So, until next time.  Hopefully I am getting better at these reflections!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chapter 1 Reflection: Technology, Teaching, and You

Educational Technology has a broad definition depending on who you are.  The best definition is, any technology used by educators in support of the teaching and learning process (AECT).

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has initiated standards for teachers (NETS*T) and students(NETS*S).  These standards incorporate management, evaluation, design, and development, as well as utilization.

Teachers need not only to use technology, but to apply technology in different ways to enhance student learning.

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandate created to evaluate schools use of technology to improve student achievement.

Technology standards have been created for teachers and administrators to meet the needs of students.  Standards can be measured to assess student learning.

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) require colleges of education to include courses or experiences in the use of technology , workshops,professional development.

It is also important for other educators (librarians and administrators) to have technology training as well.

Educational professionals need to continually expand their knowledge and technology skills in order to expand your students ability to grow and succeed.