Monday, November 8, 2010

Chapter 10 Reflection: Using the Web for Teaching and Learning

Chapter 10 has alot of information in it that I think is useful. Some of the listed online sights I will be checking into.  I didn't know that a wiki could be altered. Kids at school use Wikipedia all the time.
E-Pals sounds fun, might be something we try in our room, we could always use extra communication skills in our room. I think the kids would have fun with it, if we can get it okay ed.
The teacher that I'm with set up her own blog after I showed her how to do it! It looks good and she is adding more information everyday, I think the parents will appreciate it too.
I am enjoying this class, just worried about this power point since this will be my first!!!!!   

1 comment:

  1. Of course you need to share the link :)I would love to go and see her blog.
