This was a good chapter with lots of information. Many audiovisual tools to support learning and teaching. Some ideas I hadn't thought of yet or I have forgotten about using. I think many teachers are afraid to use technology and not realizing that have been using some type of technology all along. Maybe afraid to try something new? Some technology they use may be outdated, but still technology. And some technology tools are in the closet or have been on the shelf getting dusty, new or old.
I am not sure I have a favorite audiovisual technology, I can see where most if not all are great ways to intrigue learning.
The idea is to match the tool with what you want the outcome of the lesson to be. I think that the more tools you are exposed too, the easier it is to incorporate technology into your lessons. Of course, tech tools are not always necessary or even always the best choice for a lesson. Even in the computer lab I have had students use pencil and paper :)