Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chapter 2 Reflection: Theoretical Foundations

This is my second attempt to write a reflection (wish me luck)!

I am enjoying this class very much, although I am kinda slow and outdated. Its been too long since I've been in school for myself. There are alot of things that are new to me about technology but I understand that technology changes fast (upgrade) constantly changing.  So, I can see how all types of technology can benefit me as well as the students that I am with. I am hoping I can use them well in the classroom.

In my classroom we have so many different types of learning styles and factors  whether  it be environmental, psychological, or personal filters. I am hoping to get some new and updated ideas.
I think it is important for regular classroom teachers to find out how their students process information so they can help them to learn.
I think the best part in chapter 2 was on page 40. Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technology.  You have need to understand  educational technology to support the teaching/learning process. So, you need to understand teaching  but to understand communication and the participants  learning style.

So, until next time.  Hopefully I am getting better at these reflections!

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent reflection! Students are rarely required to think critically about what they are learning or how they can apply their learning. The more reflecting you do, the more comfortable you will be and the easier it will come.

    I really think this weeks discussion with Ira Socol will help solidify why technology can be so great for students. I am really looking forward to it.
