Educational Technology has a broad definition depending on who you are. The best definition is, any technology used by educators in support of the teaching and learning process (AECT).
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has initiated standards for teachers (NETS*T) and students(NETS*S). These standards incorporate management, evaluation, design, and development, as well as utilization.
Teachers need not only to use technology, but to apply technology in different ways to enhance student learning.
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandate created to evaluate schools use of technology to improve student achievement.
Technology standards have been created for teachers and administrators to meet the needs of students. Standards can be measured to assess student learning.
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) require colleges of education to include courses or experiences in the use of technology , workshops,professional development.
It is also important for other educators (librarians and administrators) to have technology training as well.
Educational professionals need to continually expand their knowledge and technology skills in order to expand your students ability to grow and succeed.